Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Rites of Halloween Passages

Halloween/Samhain is without a doubt one of my favorite times of the year.  From the scents of the fall season to the orange and yellows of the dying leaves.  The cool mornings, hot afternoon sun and the chill of the night air.  The should I or shouldn't I take a jacket season!

When I was younger it was really all about the costumes and then as I approached the teen years it became about where I would be going that year and with whom.  Oh the memories I have of the costume parades up ad down the sidewalks outside of the school followed by the classroom parties.  The snacks in their diversity as donated by a handful of parents and supplemented by the teacher.  Never was a shortage of chocolate though!  Then the prizes distributed for the best costumes.  I think I even may have won honorable mention or funniest one year!  I think I was a hobo complete with a plastic cigar.

Earliest outings and festivities aside from school consisted of my dad having a party for me and my friends on Halloween.  He was a cool dad too because he knew about all of the gadgets to make it such a cool experience.  The dry ice in the green punch with the strobe light in the corner.  I visited the local haunted house which turns out was an old stand alone school house.  I never could make it all the way through before it became clear I should be escorted out.  Not too proud of being such a scaredy-cat!  That haunted house inspired me for years to come that not only would I find another equally scary one and master it but also that there was another one in existence that freaked me out.  One year we found the haunted forest.  Only thing really scary about that was the walk through and that there were a few small yet steep hills that were nightmarish in the dark while one is trying to listen and look around for anything deathly waiting to pounce from behind a tree or shrub!

As my friends and I grew up though we did try every couple of years to celebrate but for some of us you loose that initial excitement with the daily grind.  For myself I live in fond memories of good times had.  My son is also at an age I can sit back and watch him have fun and I smile for having the pleasure to relive it again if even in a small way. 

Growing older I have found that my ideas and concepts of Halloween was only the beginning.  I went on to appreciate the beautiful scenery of the season and to learn more about all the tall and spooky tales.  The history and traditions are fascinating to discover.  I have also found that while I am not a Wiccan nor a Pagan the lore associated with Halloween or Samhain is rich and thick.  Also a time of ancestor remembrance and appreciation not just ghouls and goblins.  They say the veil is thinnest  during this time of the year so it is a good time for communication and worship for departed loved ones.

No matter one's age I think Halloween or really any holiday can be a chance to explore and have fun.  Remember and be rich in heart from cherished memories or take the season and look around.  Just cruising around online will open new doors filled with exciting and fun information. 

Have a Blessed Samhain and a Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. oooo...this definitely brings back some Halloween memories...I will never forget the first time my dad brought home the dry ice...what magic!! We took it down to the basement to experiment...the perfect place lol...and yes the first haunted house...surviving that was definitely on the top of my list of Halloween Rites of Passage!! Halloween now has a very different meaning for me; however those early years certainly laid the groundwork for the mystery and magic of the holiday.
