Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Rites of Halloween Passages

Halloween/Samhain is without a doubt one of my favorite times of the year.  From the scents of the fall season to the orange and yellows of the dying leaves.  The cool mornings, hot afternoon sun and the chill of the night air.  The should I or shouldn't I take a jacket season!

When I was younger it was really all about the costumes and then as I approached the teen years it became about where I would be going that year and with whom.  Oh the memories I have of the costume parades up ad down the sidewalks outside of the school followed by the classroom parties.  The snacks in their diversity as donated by a handful of parents and supplemented by the teacher.  Never was a shortage of chocolate though!  Then the prizes distributed for the best costumes.  I think I even may have won honorable mention or funniest one year!  I think I was a hobo complete with a plastic cigar.

Earliest outings and festivities aside from school consisted of my dad having a party for me and my friends on Halloween.  He was a cool dad too because he knew about all of the gadgets to make it such a cool experience.  The dry ice in the green punch with the strobe light in the corner.  I visited the local haunted house which turns out was an old stand alone school house.  I never could make it all the way through before it became clear I should be escorted out.  Not too proud of being such a scaredy-cat!  That haunted house inspired me for years to come that not only would I find another equally scary one and master it but also that there was another one in existence that freaked me out.  One year we found the haunted forest.  Only thing really scary about that was the walk through and that there were a few small yet steep hills that were nightmarish in the dark while one is trying to listen and look around for anything deathly waiting to pounce from behind a tree or shrub!

As my friends and I grew up though we did try every couple of years to celebrate but for some of us you loose that initial excitement with the daily grind.  For myself I live in fond memories of good times had.  My son is also at an age I can sit back and watch him have fun and I smile for having the pleasure to relive it again if even in a small way. 

Growing older I have found that my ideas and concepts of Halloween was only the beginning.  I went on to appreciate the beautiful scenery of the season and to learn more about all the tall and spooky tales.  The history and traditions are fascinating to discover.  I have also found that while I am not a Wiccan nor a Pagan the lore associated with Halloween or Samhain is rich and thick.  Also a time of ancestor remembrance and appreciation not just ghouls and goblins.  They say the veil is thinnest  during this time of the year so it is a good time for communication and worship for departed loved ones.

No matter one's age I think Halloween or really any holiday can be a chance to explore and have fun.  Remember and be rich in heart from cherished memories or take the season and look around.  Just cruising around online will open new doors filled with exciting and fun information. 

Have a Blessed Samhain and a Happy Halloween!

Monday, September 17, 2012

September/October Musings

WELCOME To The IN THE DARK Official Blog

This has been around for a bit but I have never had the time to get it off the ground properly.  Being inspired by other communities I thought it high time to give this a go so about every other month I will add fresh material including anything pertinent to the season.

If you would like to write for the IN THE DARK blog or would simply like to have some of your work featured please contact SunKat as soon as possible at: DarknessClosesIn.Ning@gmail.com

In the off chance you are viewing this blog but are not a member of the IN THE DARK community please apply for membership as this blog is just a snippet of ideas reflecting our diverse social networking site.

~In The Dark is a social networking community filled with information for anyone questioning their path. We bring like minded people together to learn, discuss and just be. A gathering place for Pagans, Practitioners of the Craft, Star Seeds or  those leading an alternative lifestyle. Proudly a drama-free adult site for sometimes darker driven subjects.~
All Paths Welcome ☯ 
My Personal Favorite Sabbat and Time Of The Year
Mabon - Autumn Equinox

The Meaning and Purpose of Mabon-The Witches Thanksgiving! 

as posted in Confessions of a Kitchen Witch


Mabon, the Second Harvest Sabbat, often referred to as The Witches Thanksgiving is often viewed as a time for the celebration of Life, but it is also a celebration of death. The fruits of your labor abounds as you celebrate your bounty from your garden to nourish your family and friends. When you stop to think about it, it is also the death of the plants and vegetables which have been harvested from that garden to feed you. Thus Mabon is a celebration of the cycle of life.

In essence, Mabon represents the time of honoring the dead.Visiting burial sites is often done during this time of year (more of that when
Samhain arrives), as well as being thankful for the end of the harvest season and the bounty it provides. Themes of closing, letting go and remembering the gifts given to you within this past year are paramount and focused upon during this holiday. In addition, it is also a time to honor this harvest and for those who may have passed over to Summerland during this past year.

There are many ways of honoring this Second Harvest celebration. Like stated above, visiting burial sites of those who have gone before you and loved ones who have passed on during the last year and placing an apple  as a marker that you were there. This represents the promise of renewed Life (new incarnation).

Of course creating a
bountiful meal from your garden and inviting friends and family is often prepared. If not a bountiful meal, then canning, preserving, making homemade wine from grapes you may have grown, or making jellies from blackberries, raspberries and strawberries is yet another option.

If deciding upon cooking a meal for your family and friends, a main course can consist of meats, most often red meats. This is just a suggestion since in this day and age of healthy eating, you should prepare a meal that fits your personal lifestyle. A suggestion may be to have your side dishes consist of late summer and early fall vegetables.

During your meal, you can suggest to share tales and happy stories about those you may have lost during this past year. Another suggestion is to share your experiences and review the lessons you feel you have learned during this past season. Reflect on your deeds and actions and give thanks for the gifts you were given.

After clearing away the dishes from your bountiful meal, you can then perform a
Mabon Ritual. There are as many ways and suggestions for conducting such a ceremony as there are people on this planet, so feel free to create what resonates within you and what nourishes your Soul, whether that be a Traditional Mabon Ritual, or something more personal and not as traditional. Either way, it is of Giving Thanks for Everything the Goddess (and God) has bestowed upon us throughout the year and Our Gratitude to All That She/He Does!



Autumnal Equinox Magic Spell


 Now is the time when the Goddess is getting ready to leave us for a while. Most of us today don't harvest our own food, but we can give thanks and prepare for winter. We need to prepare for less sunlight and colder days, which do affect us in ways we are not always aware of. Now is the time to do a ritual to protect our home, health and loved ones before winter is upon us.

The items you will need are:
  • The Bag of Autumn Gemstones
  • A glass with a little red wine
  • Three oak leaves (or the leaves from a tree near your home)
  • One green candle and matches
  • One apple & a knife to cut the apple
Do this ritual on September 22 after 6PM est and before 11:59PM EST. Bathe before the ritual and wear clean clothes.

Put all the items on your clean altar. Put the green candle in a brass or silver candle holder, have the matches close by. Arrange the oak leaves around the candle. Place the wine to the right of the candle. Place the apple and knife in front of the candle. Place your Bag of Autumn Gemstones in front of the wine glass.
When everything is arranged take a moment of silence to ready yourself. Light the candle and say:
I have a light in the darkness
A light for the coming days
I have a light to follow
Take a sip of the wine and say:
I find joy in all I do
I bring joy to all I love
Joy will flow in my life
Remove each gemstone from the Bag (one at a time) and as you do so, say for each gemstone:
The power of this stone will surround and strengthen me
Place the gemstones on the oak leaves.
Cut a piece from the apple and say for the first cut:
In the North the winds will be gentle
Put the apple piece in the wine.
Cut another piece from the apple and say for the second cut:
In the West the days end will cradle me
Put the apple piece in the wine.
Cut another piece from the apple and say for the third cut:
In the South the warmth be with me
Put the apple piece in the wine.
Cut the remainder of the apple in half say for the fourth cut:
In the East the Sun will shine on me
Put the apple pieces in the wine.
Now, take place each gemstone back in the Bag saying (for each stone):
Your power is now within me!
Pass the oak leaves one at a time just above the candle flame and then add them to the wine.
Let the candle burn out. Leave the wine glass with the apple and leaves overnight. Tomorrow pour the wine with the apple and leaves around a tree close to your house.
Put the Bag of Gemstones in safe place that only you know about. Leave it there until the Vernal Equinox in March. The power of the gemstones will be with you and anyone in your home for the winter. Next March take the gemstones out and cleanse them.
